Landscape_1, Landscape_2.0
Technical details
Original title Landscape_1, Landscape_2.0
Author Rrose Present
Edition 6 limited editions + 2 H.C.
Running time 00:06:08
Country Spain
Year of producction 2012

Landscape_1, Landscape_2.0.

Humanity sees herself through his eyes how represents.

Like a game of mirrors, we can only see what we have seen, acknowledge what we already know.

Landscape_1 raises the origin and evolution of the eye as cultural construction of landscape concept.

Landscape_2.0, a new concept of "landscape" for the information age. 




2013 - BANG, Festival de videoarte de Barcelona, BARCELONA, (Abril) 

2013 - VRAPA, Festival del DESAMOR, Santiago de Chile 

2012 - VideoLooking Festival, Muestra Audiovisual & Live Performance de l'Hospitalet de Llobregat (Barcelona) 

2012 - MADATAC, International Festival of Contemporary Audio Visual&New Media Art - CENTRO, MNCARS y CAIXAFORUM, MADRID

2012 - FIVA, Festival Internacional de videoarte de Buenos Aires 

2012 - CINE TORO, Festival Internacional de Cine Experimental 

2012 - FORA D CAMP, Mostra de Cinema amb la natura, Figaró (Montseny); Barcelona.